A notice to all sellers. Read more >
  • During our beta release, the seller role is free of charge (lifeteam redemption). Once we are fully released, there will be a charge of $10 to have this role and sell on this platform. By charging, we do not need to charge per transaction. You may upgrade your memebership at any time for more features. Click here to redeem.

Beta testing phase now open: Introducing new features and offering free seller accounts

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Hey everyone,

We are pleased to announce the launch of our beta testing phase for our new product. During this phase, we will be introducing a number of exciting new features that we believe will greatly enhance your experience.

Some of the new features that you can look forward to include:

  • Verified Badges: Will allow you to know what authors have efficient code. These will be handed out manually and are currently unavailable to be requested.
  • Resource Slider: When uploading images to a resource, they will be displayed in a carousel.
  • Custom Addons: When requesting a Custom Addon, this will be developed by a verified developer so you know your project will be of excellent standard.
  • Migration Stats: When migrating your resources to our site. You are able to migrate your views, downloads and purchases too. (Reviews coming soon)
  • Payment methods: We currently support PayPal and Stripe as our payment processor, which means you may offer both of these for your products. Soon we plan to support over 35 payment methods.
In addition to these features, we have a number of other exciting updates that are coming soon. These include:

  • Licencing System: When uploading your resource you will have the option to enter your custom licencing server URL. When enabled, if a user purchases the resource, we generate a licence with the format AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD and send a POST request to this URL which will include the string licence including the generated licence, a boolean create which indicates if the licence is added or removed and the product name for which the licence is active, this is the resource title. It is up to you to configure your server to save and activate this licence for the bought addon. If you delete the users licence on our site, it will send another POST request with the boolean create being false. Again, it is up to you to make sure your server disables the licence for your in-addon licence check.
  • Auto responder: On purchase, send an auto responce to the buyer with placeholders like {licence_key} & {resource}. See example below.
  • Discord: We are working on releasing our Discord to the public soon. We have a few things that are a work in progress that are to do with our discord bot synicing up roles and resources with the site.
One of the exciting new features that we are introducing is the Seller role. By having this role, it will allow users to sell their products on our platform without a per transaction fee, giving them the opportunity to increase their earnings. The Seller role is $5 per month. You may choose to upgrade your role for more features however you will need a minimum of Seller to sell on our website. Find out more by visiting our upgrades page.

To celebrate the launch of this website, we are offering free seller accounts for the first three months of the beta testing phase. This means that users who sign up as sellers during this time will not be charged any fees for the seller role. Once the 3 months ends, you are required to have at least the Seller role to sell on this platform. If you do not, your resources are disabled and will be reenabled once you have the correct role again. This is done automatically.

We invite all interested users to sign up for the beta testing phase by visiting our website and filling out the registration form. Space is limited, so be sure to sign up soon to secure your spot.

We are grateful for your support and look forward to your participation in the beta testing phase. We can't wait to hear your feedback and ideas as we continue to develop and improve our product.

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